Okay enough of all that, now back to the interesting stuff. After my recent slackness in adding anything to this blog I thought I would give you a few pics of good old kiwi serenity!! So the following are just a bunch of pics from random missions over the past couple of months. Enjoy!!
Long Beach (this is what I came home to!)
Taking it all in!
Up to my usual bouldering styles
Some Solo Missions! - to varying degrees of sucess
My own little piece of the world (for a night anyway), the last of the evening light - hallelujah flats
A frosty morning!
Me rapped up against the cold enjoying a warm breakfast and the peace and quiet
The sunshine finally arrives
It's not always sunshine - Haupiri river (midday) and doing what it does best on the west coast!
Thinking twice about any solo river crossings
The Port Hills
Crusty and Ken chillin in the sunshine after a stroll in the hills
Crusty.... because he hates getting caught on camera
Crusty again - just to rub it in!
Random Forays into the Wilderness / Darkness
Random friday night discussions and a few wines sometimes get you into trouble......
Rach negotiating the gorse and the darkness - just get out the machete you found earlier Rach
Rach swallowed by the night
1st day of the season - Mt Cheeseman (majic!)
Rach taking in the serenity!
Me and some white stuff!
Even the moon made an apperance
Rach enjoying her first taste of the pow!
Me basking in the last sunshine of a sweet bluebird day on the hill! - then off for a cold Speights
Hope you enjoyed! Peace, Ems
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